Vegan Easter


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Happyyyy Easter Everyone!! Did you ever feel a bit worried about easter because of all the easter chocolates?🍫 Not this year🥳 I want you to really ENJOY this time and treat yourself with all my delicious 100% Healthy Sweet Recipes! They are all so easy to make and so good for you that you actually do your body a favour with eating them! How amazing is that!?! Even if you weren’t a big easter person, I hope this turns you into one hehe. 🥰 It’s soo nice to have the healthiest alternative to regular sweets and don’t feel like you are missing out! In fact everyone else is missing out because you’ll feel your absolute best after eating my easter sweets unlike those who eat lots of refined sugar loaded sweets.😍 YAY!! Can’t wait to see all your creations! 🙂


Sugar free

Oil free

Gluten free


What's included

40+ Healthy Vegan Easter Recipes
Raw Vegan Treats
Baked Treats
Lifestyle Tips & My Story


Guilt free Sweets!! 100% Good for you! Healthy Sweets to celebrate Easter, Recipes to share with your Family and Friends, No Sugar, No Cravings, More Energy, Better Digestion, Clearer Skin, Weight loss, Better Sleep, Mental Clarity, Vitality & Emotional Balance
